Friday, 17 January 2014

Creating the Harbour

Creating the Harbour

I had created all the scenery elements I thought I needed as well as the water so it was time to create the harbour.

Start by opening 3DS max and creating a simple box with these particulars:
length segments:10
width segments:10
height segments:2

This will enable you to have control and flexibility when modelling the harbour later.

Right clicking the object and converting it to an editable poly I was then able to extrude sections by selecting 'elements' under the 'selection' heading and clicking the the black box next to extrude.

I continued this process until I got the desired effect. 

The effect I wanted to create is 'concrete' so I applied a few concrete textures but because I had extrude from the original object it then distorted the texture so instead I applied the default grey colour and it worked perfectly. 

Applying the scenery objects
To apply all the scenery objects from other files I clicked the blue/green button found on the top left hand side then 'import' and 'merge'. 

I then spent a little time resizing and placing all the objects to make the harbour look realistic.

As you can see I added palm tree's from the 'foliage' section and one tree on the right hand side to give variety. Placing the trees in soil surrounded by white fenced edging gives a more realistic effect - I also placed these white fences on the edges of the harbour which will be met by the water. 

In the middle I have created that  'park' effect by using the benches I created earlier and pre-made fences in 3DS max.

I really like the look of the harbour because I think it looks realistic and simply - the look will improve when the water is applied, the sun and the rest of the virtual environment. 

Time spent: 3 hours 

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