Sunday, 27 October 2013

Creating the Scene - Buildings

Creating the Buildings

To keep the Poly count low in the scenes as there will be lots of different objects - I wanted to look into how I could create objects with high quality but low poly count. 

I experimented different ways into how to create a building that looked realistic yet remained easy to manipulate and wasn't heavy on the scene. 

To start I looked through a lot of building textures and experimented which one looked most realistic as a building but also to the time of Pearl Harbour. I then mapped the building texture to a plane in 3DS max making sure the plane was the same dimensions as the texture (show in picture 1.1)

Picture 1.1

I followed these steps to apply the texture to the plane:
Press 'M' to bring up map editor > Under 'Modes' in top left hand corner changed view to 'Compact material editor' > click top left grey ball > under 'blinn basic parameters' click the grey box next to 'diffuse' > Select bitmap > navigate to the texture desired > click 'show material in viewport' which will show the texture without having to render. 

The texture will now be applied to the plane. 

Something very noticeable about buildings is that they don't have flat surfaces. To make the flat plane more dimensional I followed these steps:

Right click plane > convert to editable poly > click 'edges' under 'selection' > under 'edit geometry' click 'quick slice' > then draw the red line across any section that would either come out of the building or go into (shown in picture 1.2) > Under 'selection' click 'polygon' > hold 'ctrl' and select all the sections that you will be manipulating > click the box on extrude and either drag forward or back the selected polygons > continue to complete the building using this method.

Picture 1.2

The picture below will show you the finished result (picture 1.3)

Picture 1.3

To finish the building I simply mirrored the plane and connected them together. You can reshape the building to how you desire. To create the roof it I created a box and applied a grey slate texture and placed it on top of the building. Below is a picture of the final result. I am quite pleased with how easy and quick I was able to create this building. Yes, it isn't the highest quality and I would be able to create something a lot more effective if I was to spend some time however I wanted to reduce the amount of time and reduce the poly count and this building achieves this. 

 Picture 1.3

Time Spent: 20 minutes

Thursday, 17 October 2013


It is important to get all information, ideas and research into mind maps and brainstorms. This is a brainstorm of the groups ideas.


Now that all the research is completed and the group have finished discussing and brainstorming ideas, the storyboard was created. This is what the animation will follow; however there may slight changes as we continue. 

 The second and Last column explains how the scene will begin and end (transition from one scene to the next)                            
Scene One
Fades in
American Newspaper Headline, ‘Talks of hopeful peace with Japan’
Fades out
Scene Two
Fades in
Map of Pearl Harbour.
Slowly zooms into map.
Fades out
Scene Three
Fades in
Camera is low on the sea.
Slowly moving forward, Pearl Harbour emerges on horizon.

Scene Four

Once at Pearl Harbour camera twists and moves higher into a bird’s eye view of Pearl Harbour.

Scene Five

Japanese planes emerge on horizon
Fades out
Scene Six
Fades in
American Lego people playing in the streets, Japanese planes go overhead.
Cut to
Scene Seven
Cut into
Close up view following a Japanese planes.

Planes fly around Pearl Harbour and start dropping bombs.
Cut to
Scene Eight
Cut into
Close up low shot of American Lego people start to panic and run.
Cut to
Scene Nine
Cut into
Close up side view of Japanese plane dropping bomb.
Cut to

Scene Ten
Cut into
Close up side shot – Inside of USS Arizona.

Lego men walking around then a Japanese bomb hits the forward magazine.
Cut to
Scene Eleven
Cut into
Side shot of entire Arizona ship.

Arizona explodes, jumping out of water.
Cut to
Scene Twelve
Cut into
High shot looking down – American Airfield.

Lego pilots running to the American planes.

Bombs dropped on Airfield, destroying some of the American planes.
Cut to
Scene Thirteen
Cut into
Close up front view – American plane.

American plane tries to take off but gets bombed as Japanese plane flies overhead.
Cut to
Scene Fourteen
Cut into
High shot looking down – Pearl Harbour.

Camera pans from left to right showing the destruction of Pearl Harbour.
Fades out
Scene Fifteen 
Fades in
American Newspaper heading, ‘This day will live in Infamy’

Voice over of FDR quoting the newspaper heading.
Fades out

Friday, 11 October 2013


As mentioned earlier, it is key to have as much knowledge of Pearl Harbour and the key aspects. Research was conducted which took several hours. Below is a list of key aspects that were important.

'It all happened so quickly. At 7.55am on Sunday 7 December 1941, the first of two waves of Japanese aircraft began their deadly attack on the US Pacific Fleet, moored at Pearl Harbour on the Pacific island of Oahu. Within two hours, five battleships had been sunk, another 16 damaged, and 188 aircraft destroyed. Only chance saved three US aircraft carriers, usually stationed at Pearl Harbour but assigned elsewhere on the day. The attacks killed under 100 Japanese but over 2,400 Americans, with another 1,178 injured.

Although swift in execution, the attacks had been slowly brewing for years. The US had once looked upon Japanese ambitions with a level of sympathy, even indulgence. Hit hard by the Great Depression of the early 1930s, however, Japanese disillusion with party government grew and moderates gave way to militants. In 1931 Japan occupied Manchuria in northern China. Over the decade conflict intensified and in July 1937 war was declared. As Japanese aggression increased, its relations with the US deteriorated'

'The Japanese dreamed of an Empire in Asia and began their quest in early 1931. They overran Manchuria and established it as a state, which they named Manchukuo. Moving into China, the Japanese were initially successful, but ultimately encountered the resistance of the Chinese, under the government Chiang Kai-shek. A crisis arose in 1937, when Japan launched a major offensive in an effort to reduce China into submission.'

'Military intelligence did intercept two cipher messages from Tokyo to Kichisaburo Normura, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States, that suggested an imminent attack, but Richmond Turner, in charge of evaluating and dissemination, did not pass on warnings of the proposed attack to Admiral Husband Kimmel.'

Research Websites:

The film Pearl Harbor has enriched the research and developed it further by gaining visual representations of the attack.

Important scenes from the film:

Documentaries also provided more information:

  • Japanese conducted an air attack on Pearl Harbour (America)
  • It was a surprise attack - America and Japan were in talks of peace.
  • The attack happened on December 7,1941.
  • 2400 Americans were killed
  • 29 Japanese Airplanes were destroyed

Group Roles

Recreating the Pearl Harbour attack is a huge undertaking, even when you're in a team. There were many aspects of this assignment that needed to be looked over and studied in depth. As a group team Alpha decided it would be beneficial to divide the workload into four separate sections where possible - some parts of the task would require the entire group to complete it.

Below is a list of the models that need to be made in 3DS max before an animation can start.

  • Japanese Airplanes
  • American Airplanes
  • American Ships
  • Terrain/Buildings/Landscapes
  • Humans
One person will be modelling the Lanscapes/Terrain/Buildings.
One person will be modelling the Japanese Airplanes.
One person will be modelling the American Airplanes.
One person will be modelling the American Ships and Humans.